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Version: 3.6.x


You can use validations of the responses base on three types of validations

  • Format of the protocol (JSONRPCRequest requirement)
  • Requirements for the strictly typed fields in response from the backend (RestRequest requirement)
  • Client validation - joi schemas or your custom validate callback

All of validations are non splitted from each other and make your response extremely safe!

If one of those validations fails - all the response will fail with the default error structure

JSON-RPC requirements

Your response must contain these fields in JSON see standart Result and Error field are mutually exclusive.

{ jsonrpc, result, error, id }

RestRequest requirements

{ data, error, errorText, additionalErrors }

RestRequest - do not make any requirements for requirement-free using

Schema validation

import Joi from "joi";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { RestRequest, IResponse } from "@mihanizm56/fetch-api";

const schema = Joi.object({
    username: Joi.string().required(),

export const getWhateverRequest = (): Promise<IResponse> =>
  new PureRestRequest().getRequest({
    endpoint: "http://localhost:3000",
    responseSchema: schema

Custom callback validation

import Joi from "joi";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { RestRequest, IResponse } from "@mihanizm56/fetch-api";

const schema = Joi.object({
    username: Joi.string().required(),

export const getWhateverRequest = (): Promise<IResponse> =>
  new PureRestRequest().getRequest({
    endpoint: "http://localhost:3000",
    extraValidationCallback: (data:YourDataType) => {
        // here you can validate the response and return boolean value 
        // joi validation will be disabled