Version: 3.9.x
You can translate your errorText field with providing translateFunction callback into request options. An Important factor that you can use any module to translate the response text.
For example - you have an errorText from backend with key 'foo'. You provide translateFunction with i18next and get tranlated output in your request function
import Joi from "joi";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { RestRequest, IResponse } from "@mihanizm56/fetch-api";
export const getWhateverRequest = (): Promise<IResponse> =>
new RestRequest().getRequest({
endpoint: "http://localhost:3000",
translateFunction: (errorText: string, errorTextParams: any)=>{
// and here we can add params to you translation key if it contains them
// for example the translation is 'sheep {{counter}} value'
return i18next.t(`${errorText}`, errorTextParams)
responseSchema: Joi.object({
username: Joi.string().required(),