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Version: 3.7.x

One interface for all types of requests

All request types provide the same interface to get data from them

(errorText field can be translated inside the Request function, see example)

import Joi from "joi";
import { RestRequest, IResponse, ABORT_REQUEST_EVENT_NAME } from "@mihanizm56/fetch-api";

export const createWhateverRequest = (someData) =>
  new RestRequest().postRequest({
    endpoint: "http://localhost:3000",
    body: someData,
    abortRequestId: '1',
    responseSchema: Joi.object({
      username: Joi.string().required(),
      password: Joi.string().pattern(new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,30}$")),

const someFunction = async () => {
    const response = await createWhateverRequest(someData)

    // The response will be an object with fields:
    // data - reponse data
    // error - boolean flag to check if the response not success
    // errorText - text of an error
    // additionalErrors - any type of additional data from the backend (for PureRestRequest it is an object with all responded error data, for JSONRPCRequest it is field "" in the response)
    // code - response code number
    // if the browser gets code 501 and more then you will get the error response with 500 code and browser will not try to parse and validate responded data
    // if you are offline - you will get 600 and you are able to do smth with that code for you offline-mode